Student Ministry Ideas for a Strong Start this Fall
Summer’s over. It was a fantastic time of mission trips, serving at camps, and late-night movies and games. In short, you’re wiped. But don’t miss the fresh start that fall can bring for youth group ideas that infuse your program with new energy and excitement.
Here are a few to try:
Plan a “Teens Again” Night for Parents:
Invite your youth parents to come experience youth group. Include the usual games, snacks and activities that you normally do with your youth. If there’s a small group time, have them meet to pray over your program and share how they think their kids are faring at youth group.
During what would normally be your teaching time, share your vision and upcoming plans for your youth program, as well as what they could do to help, whether that’s hands-on, prayer or admin support.
And if you need a game that won’t scare off any parents, 9 Square in the Air is your perfect solution. It works for any skill level at any age, so even parents that shy away from the usual youth group craziness will have fun joining in.
Start a New Ritual:
Fall often feels like the other New Year, with school starting for your students. Take advantage of this fresh, new feeling by incorporating a unique ritual into your youth group. Maybe it’s a testimony-sharing time or a way of praying that further connects your group. It might be a song that you learned this summer at camp that seems to fit your group. Traditions and rituals tend to be powerful for fostering group identity, and now is the perfect time for it.
Circle Up:
Identify a small group of your most effective leaders among your students and circle them up for a deep dive into how things are going and where you are headed. Consider making it a monthly or weekly plan to meet with these four or five students to check in.
Recruit Guest Speakers:
At the start of the school year, you may be flooded with youth group ideas that require a lot of planning. This is the perfect time to invite some guest speakers to teach at youth group. Your students will benefit from hearing a variety of voices, and you’ll have the freedom to get creative with your plans.
One of your best youth group ideas? Ordering a 9 Square in the Air for your program! After all, the game was invented by a youth pastor that saw how well students connect when playing it together. Contact us to learn more!