For Go-Anywhere Youth Group Games, You Can’t Beat 9 Square in the Air
When you’re the games leader for your youth group, you begin to recognize that there’s a certain gold standard for games. They can’t be too complicated, they shouldn’t require too many leaders and it should be something that everyone can play.
And to top it all off, it has to be versatile.
That’s the reason so many youth ministry leaders say 9 Square in the Air is their best choice for youth group games. It goes everywhere with you, and with summer coming, here are a few fun ideas of how to use it:
The Park:
Pack up your youth group for a cookout and take 9 Square in the Air to kick off a fun summer evening. It sets up in minutes in a grassy area or even in the parking lot.
The Beach:
If you’re one of the fortunate youth groups located near a coast or even a lake, your youth group can have fun drying off from a swim with a round of 9 Square in the Air.
At Youth Camp:
Finding the right balance of unstructured hangout time and scheduled activities can be tricky, but if you bring along a 9 Square in the Air to youth camp, you’re always ready to switch gears.
Your Annual Campout:
From float trips to bonfires and cookouts, 9 Square in the Air sets up in minutes at your campground. You’ll have a hard time getting youth to take a break for meals and everyone will sleep well after a few rounds of 9 Square in the Air.
At Church:
Between all of your fun summer activities, you’ll still have a lot of times when you’re just playing youth group games at church. Set up 9 Square in the Air on your church lawn or in your parking lot or gym and you’ll always have a fun activity ready.
No matter what youth activities you’re doing this summer, you’re always trying to encourage connections and 9 Square in the Air is designed for exactly that purpose. Your youth will laugh and play together across all sorts of settings when you have a 9 Square in the Air to take on the road or use at your home church.
Ready to order 9 Square in the Air? Planning for youth group games is about to get a lot easier! Contact us today to order yours!